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The namaskar toda is always performed immediately following the namaskar and before the thaat. It should not be confused with the act of obeisance known as namaskar. The namaskar toda serves as a greeting to Nataraj and the audience. It is always performed in three speeds - vilambit lay, madya lay, and drut lay. During the Mughal rule of India, the namaskar toda was also called the salaami toda. The reason for this is that the Mughal rulers wanted themselves to be praised, rather than the Hindu gods.

1 2 3 4
X Tat Tat Ta thai Thai tat
2 Aa thai Thai tat Tat Tat
0 Thai A thai A Tram
3 Tat tat Ta thai thai tat Aa thai thai tat Tat tat
X Ta

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