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Taal Notation

1,485 bytes added, 20:50, 4 May 2013
Created page with "'''Taal notation''' is a system that allows taals to be recorded on paper. ==Structure== Taals are written out in a table, in order to keep everything readable and to emphasi..."
'''Taal notation''' is a system that allows taals to be recorded on paper.

Taals are written out in a table, in order to keep everything readable and to emphasize the demarcations of [[vibhags]], much as Western music uses bar lines to separate individual measures. In the following table, [[dadra taal]] is shown as an example.

{| class="wikitable"
! 1
! 2
! 3
| X
| Ta
| Thai
| Tat
| 0
| Aa
| Thai
| Tat

The numbers running across the top are the [[matra]] numbers in each vibhag. For example, the [[bols]] found in the "2" column are the second matras in each vibhag.

Each row is of the table comprises a single vibhag. The row headers X and 0 indicate [[tali]] and [[khali]], respectively. The first tali is always denoted by an X; each additional tali is denoted by ascending numbers (2, 3, etc.). Khali is always written as a 0, which indicates the absence of a clap. A good example of how tali and khali are written out can be seen in the table for [[ektaal]]. Note how khali is always denoted by a 0 and the talis start with X, then increment (2, 3, 4).

Finally, each of the cells in the table contain a single bol. Some taals are asymmetrical and may have uneven numbers of bols in each row (or vibhag)(see [[roopak taal]]). In these cases, the space is simply left blank. In addition, some taals, like [[jhaptaal]], contain rests, which are denoted by the letter S.


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